Evaluating the impact of safe and dignified burials for stopping Ebola transmission in West Africa

Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea

Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea

Safe and Dignified Burial (SDB) has a significant role in reducing the transmission of Ebola.  This collaborative research determined the impact of SDB on the epidemic in West Africa, linking epidemiological and anthropological evidence.  Anthrologica led anthropological research to assess the impact as understood by frontline responders and Ebola-affected communities.  Analysing and documenting these perceptions and experiences contributed to good practice programme design and provided key evidence for the planning, implementation and prioritisation of activities for future epidemics.


Anthrologica-anthropology summary report safe and dignified burials Liberia
Anthrologica-anthropology summary report safe and dignified burials Sierra Leone
Anthrologica-anthropology summary report safe and dignified burials Guinea

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