Perceptions of risk communication and community engagement for COVID-19 in Lebanon


Anthrologica worked with the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC ), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Lebanese Red Cross to conduct a mixed methods study exploring community perceptions of the relevance of COVID-19 health messages disseminated by the Red Cross in Lebanon, and the accessibility of such information. The findings were designed to be used by the Red Cross Red Crescent movement and other actors working in the COVID-19 response in Lebanon to strengthen risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) activities and approaches in disease outbreaks.


Anthrologica IFRC Lebanon Perception Study - Executive Summary FINAL
Anthrologica IFRC Lebanon Perceptions Study Literature Review FINAL
Anthrologica IFRC Lebanon Perceptions Study Quantitative Findings FINAL
Anthrologica IFRC Lebanon Perceptions Study Report FINAL

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